Magistrate Court Fine

Under the Magistrate Court Fine category of our website you will find the following pages:

Magistrate Court Summons and Means Enquiry Form (MC100)

It is really important that you respond to a summons from the Court and complete the Means Enquiry Form /Statement of Means  (MC100). Your fine will usually be set at a much higher figure than it ought to be if you do not complete the MC100.

Notice of Fine and Collection Order

When the Magistrate Court imposes a fine, they will send you a Notice of Fine and Collection Order. Details of the conviction etc  and amount of fine and any other charges will be outlined on this notice. Full details are on this page.

Single Justice Procedure Notice

A Single Justice Procedure Notice (SJPN) will be issued for relatively low level, minor, non-imprisonable offences. The SJPN will be accompanied by supporting evidence allowing you to plead guilty via correspondence or online and thereby avoiding the need to attend a court hearing.

Further Steps Notice

If a Magistrate Court fine remains unpaid, the court will issue a Further Steps Notice. This is a vitally important legal document. If there is no response to this notice, the Fines Officer can take one or more of the STEPS outlined in the notice. However, the most usual step taken is to issue a warrant of control. If so, it will be passed to an enforcement company to enforce.

I do not  know anything about this Magistrate Court Fine

If you have received a Notice of Enforcement or visit from an enforcement company regarding a Magistrate court fine that you had been unaware of (usually because correspondence had been sent to a previous address), this page should be of assistance.

Magistrate Court Fine and Section 14 Statutory Declaration

If you had been unaware of a Magistrate court fine, you can apply to the court for what is called a  Section 14 Statutory Declaration. The application needs to be made within 21 days of you becoming AWARE of the Magistrate Court fine.

TV Licence Court Fine

If you have a court fine for using a TV without a valid licence and have received a letter or a visit from Marston Group, Collectica or Excel Enforcement, then you should find this page of assistance.

HMCTS Historic Debt Team

In 2016, HMCTS set up the HMCTS Historic Debt Team. This team recover Magistrate Court fines  that have remained unpaid for very long periods of time.

Magistrate Court Fine and setting up a payment arrangement

If you have received a Notice of Enforcement in relation to an  unpaid court fine and wish to set up a payment arrangement, this should should be of assistance.

I have a Magistrate Court fine…can the bailiff force entry?

If the debt is an unpaid magistrates court fine, legislation allows for the enforcement agent to use force to gain entry into your property. This would usually be by the use of a locksmith. Forced entry is very rare and is only every used as a last resort.

Commentary from Bailiff Advice Online

If you have any queries at all about the enforcement of a magistrate court fine you can email a question to us using our online Enquiry Form.  Alternatively, you can contact our free helpline. See our Contact page for details.

Our Simplified Guide to the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 can be read here.